Jake & Heidi Peterson

Farm and Ranch Owner

In the local Ag community, the name Jake Peterson is synonymous with pioneering ways in farming practices and operating in non-traditional methods. Although different in some ways of operating, roots and tradition in farming and the underlying way of life remain unchanged. It was this lifestyle that Jake and Heidi wanted to live, work, and raise a family with. In 2017 together they created Vosem Ag to propel and carry on the legacy of Grandpa’s family farm and to reach this dream.

The farm name “Vosem Ag” is more than just a title. In the Russian language, “Vosem” is the number 8… a number for Jake and Heidi that kept popping up through dating, courtship, marriage, and other significant life events. 8 is infinite love, infinite energy, and infinite abundance. 8 can symbolize new beginnings. To them it means FOREVER. Vosem Ag was a name chosen with love, hope, family, faith, and trust in God at it’s core.

Farming and ranching is a profession where work can be play and play can be work. Dirt bikes, horses, camping, hunting, and riding can all be part of the job. They are hobbies and favorite past times. In the winter snow biking, skiing, and sledding fill the time adequately. 

Jake has been farming his whole life and began the apprenticeship alongside both Grandpas as a youngster. Growing up he was side by side with them in experiencing the highs and lows, plot twists, risks, and joys that farming brings; all the while acquiring the common (farm) sense, wisdom, and knowledge needed to be successful in the field.

Heidi is a multi-sport and former collegiate athlete. The work ethic and sweat she transfers over into the farm deepens her love for the ag way of life. She proudly wears and loves the titles of Farmer’s Wife, Farm Hand, House Cook, and Mom. 

Their son is the oldest kid-hand in the family and is full of adventure and character. Outside of farming, he loves sports, motocross, guitars, creating “engineer quality” Legos fit for patenting, and running with his dog.

Their daughter is the next helping hand complete with long, golden hair and a toothless smile. She brings a sparkle wherever she is. She is an animal-loving horse whisperer who can sit in the saddle with the best of them. Music constantly sings in her soul as she adds spice to the family and work life. 

Working and growing on the farm brings adventure, experiences, and relationships that shape the characters we hope to instill as a family in Agriculture.

Ryan & Brandi Garrett

Equipment Manager

In the summer of 2014, fresh out of college with two small kids, Ryan and Brandi moved back to Firth to try their hand at farm life. Brandi had grown up watching Grandpa and Grandma and the love, sweat, and faith that went into their family farm. Some of her best childhood memories were spent trailing cows through the mountains on horseback and falling asleep on Grandpa's shoulder on the way home. So when the chance came to work for Grandpa, Ryan applied for the job knowing few things would make Brandi happier than being back home on the farm.
He was also excited for the opportunity to work with one of his best friends from high school (Jake) and try his hand at farming and ranching.
Over the next few years, with hard work and long hours, Ryan became an important part of the farm, willing to do any and all jobs with a strong desire to learn and help the farm grow.

They added a third baby to their family and Brandi became both a homemaker and homeschool teacher.

Ryan is still doing what he set out to do 9 years ago; making all of his family's dreams come true.

Jasper & Aspen Knight

Cow Boss

Jasper and Aspen are the newest addition of three years to Vosem Ag, and are focused on developing the cattle operation. Having started their marriage on ranches in the high desert of Nevada, they bring with them a deep appreciation for the cowboy life while taking a stab at farming. 

Jasper is happiest on a horse working cows, but farming has increased his appreciation and understanding for the soil and regenerative practices and their application in cattle production. When not trying to sell you delicious cuts of meat, he is leather working, roping, or enjoying time spent with family. 

Aspen is a Swiss Army knife mama. She juggles the media channels and website content of Vosem beef in-between feeding children, doing chores and chasing loose animals. In her spare time (usually about once a year) Aspen likes to study interior design. 

Jubal, Nevada, and Harvey slow them down in the best way and remind them to enjoy the little things in life. They are busy little bodies and are always begging to assist Pa at work especially when horses or tractors are involved. Jubal loves wearing his “two-holster belt” and packs his pistols around, claiming the name "John Wayne". Nevada's horse obsession is within two degrees of needing medical attention, and Harvey just likes to be along for the ride.

The Knights have the ranch family tendency of accumulating more animals than recommended …goats, leppy calves, dogs, cats, horses, chickens and more. Roping goats is a favorite pastime on summer evenings followed by a tasty homemade treat. As a family they strive to keep the spirit of the west alive and believe in agriculture and its ability to turn out patriotic, hard working, and God-fearing kids. 

and a nod...

Collin & Hallie Peterson

...to the ones who started it all 60 years ago.

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